Cold ratatouille soup
Cold ratatouille soup
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Recipe Yield: Total time: 10 minutes | Serves 4
3 cups cold ratatouille (see related recipe) 2 1/2 cups cold chicken or vegetable stock 2 tablespoons Pernod 1 1/2 teaspoons sherry vinegar Salt and pepper Fried country croutons, chopped Nicoise olives, pesto or crème fraîche to garnish

Step 1 Combine the ratatouille, stock, Pernod and vinegar together in a blender. Blend the ingredients at high speed until the mixture is very smooth and creamy. Strain the soup through a fine mesh sieve such as a chinois for the most refined texture.

Step 2 Season the soup well with salt and pepper. Garnish the soup with croutons, chopped olives, a drizzle of pesto or a dollop of crème fraîche. This soup is also good served hot.

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