Crepes suzette
Crepes suzette
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Recipe Yield: Total time: 1 hour plus 2 hours to overnight for crepe batter to chill | Serves 6
1/2 cup sugar Peel from 2 oranges (remove any pith) 1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter 1/2 cup strained orange juice 3 tablespoons orange liqueur

Step 1 Place the sugar and orange peel in a food processor bowl. Process for a minute or so, scraping down with a rubber spatula as necessary, until peel and sugar are finely blended.

Step 2 Cut the butter into pieces and process until smooth and almost fluffy. By drops, cream in one-half cup of the orange juice, then the orange liqueur, plus more drops of juice if needed. Mixture should be creamy.

Step 3Cover and refrigerate if making ahead.

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