Faith Willinger’s tomato salad
Faith Willinger’s tomato salad
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Recipe Yield: Total time: 15 minutes | Serves 6 to 8
3 pounds tomatoes 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, more to taste A small handful of small basil leaves; if you have access only to larger leaves, tear them into small pieces 1/2 cup great quality extra-virgin olive oil

Step 1 Put a strainer inside a large serving bowl. Halve the tomatoes crosswise. Pull the meat out of the halved tomatoes and drop these centers into the strainer. Use your hand to press the pulp through the strainer to juice, leaving only the seeds in the strainer.

Step 2 Roughly chop the tomatoes and add them to the bowl with the juice. Add the salt and basil leaves, and gently toss to evenly distribute the flavors. Taste and add salt if desired. Drizzle the olive oil over the salad and serve.

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