Hot cider toddy
Hot cider toddy
Rating: (1 rated)
Recipe Yield: Total time: 10 minutes | Serves 1
1 1/2 ounces bonded Apple Jack 1/4 ounce maple syrup (or more as desired, depending on the tartness of your apple juice) 6 ounces hot fresh-pressed apple juice (heated in a tea kettle) 3 slices crab apple for garnish, very thinly sliced Grated cinnamon for garnish Cinnamon stick for garnish

Step 1 Into an 8-ounce glass mug, pour the Apple Jack and maple syrup. Top off with the hot apple cider, and stir gently with a spoon. Garnish with slices of crab apple, freshly grated cinnamon and a cinnamon stick.

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