Kimchi Deviled Eggs
Kimchi Deviled Eggs
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Recipe Yield: Makes 14 deviled eggs

7 large eggs
2 heaping tablespoons mayonnaise
1 to 2 teaspoons yellow mustard (depends on your taste)
1/4 teaspoon vinegar (white or brown rice vinegar)
1 tablespoon gochujang
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 cup kimchi, roughly chopped
Crispy bacon strips, crumbled into bits (optional)
Diced chives for garnish

Place the eggs in a small pot and fill it with cold water. Bring the pot to a boil over high heat. Once the water starts boiling, turn to heat to low and let the eggs cook for about 6 minutes. Remove from the heat and slowly pour out the hot water and fill the pot with cold water, covering the eggs for about a minute or two.

Peel the eggs, slice them lengthwise, and gently remove the yolks, transferring them to a mixing bowl. Arrange the empty egg whites on a platter, cut-side up.

Using a fork, mash the yolks until they are completely crumbled. Add the mayonnaise, yellow mustard and vinegar and mix together until you form a smooth paste. Add the gochujang and mix together until well blended. Set aside.

Using a small- to medium-sized skillet, heat the sesame oil over medium high heat and sauté the chopped kimchi for 3 to 4 minutes, or until heated through. Remove from the heat and set aside. This quick cooking deepens the flavor of the kimchi.

Transfer the egg yolk filling to a plastic bag or piping bag fitted with a tip. Press the bag with your hands to push all the filling to one corner and press any air out of the top. If using a plastic zip top bag, snip one corner off with a pair of scissors.

Pipe the filling into the cup of each egg white, filling the cups so that the filling mounds a little over the top. Squeeze the bag from the top to force the filling downward. Alternatively, you can scoop the filling into the egg whites with a small spoon.

Garnish each deviled egg with the sautéed kimchi and top with the crispy bacon bits and chives. Serve immediately.

Recipe Notes

  • The sesame oil is key to this recipe. Try not to use olive oil or vegetable oil when sautéing your kimchi.
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