Very bloody mary
Very bloody mary
Rating: (1 rated)
Recipe Yield: Total time: 15 minutes | Serves 4
2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped, plus extra with leafy tops to serve, divided 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 pound ripe tomatoes, chopped 1 ¼ cups tomato juice Juice of 2 limes 1 teaspoon celery salt 2 to 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 4 ounces vodka, optional Tabasco sauce, to taste Lime wedges, to serve

Step 1 In a food processor or blender, combine the garlic, chopped celery, onion, tomato, tomato juice, lime juice, celery salt and Worcestershire sauce and puree until smooth. Press the mixture through a fine sieve. This makes a generous 2 ½ cups mix.

Step 2 Add the vodka, if using, and Tabasco sauce to taste and pour into 4 glasses with ice. Serve with leafy sprigs of celery and lime wedges.

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